Laura B Fox | The Guru's Ghost
Laura B Fox | The Guru's Ghost

I write about writing, solitude, off-grid living, spirituality, nature, and technology.

My first book, The Soul-Driven Author's Nonfiction Book Planning Guide is available at

In my professional life as The Guru's Ghost, I collaborate with coaches and teachers to bring their wisdom and passion to new audiences in the form of inspirational memoirs and self-help books. I take their outlines, notes, videos, testimonials, and verbally told stories and transform them into written content that inspires and informs the people they most want to reach.

Feel free to reach out to me at

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Laura B Fox | The Guru's Ghost

Laura B Fox | The Guru's Ghost

Book Author

Ghostwriter, book coach, and off-grid goat farmer. Author of The Soul-Driven Author's Nonfiction Book Planning Guide. MA in Social Ecology and Anthropology